Lisa M. SchartzOwner / Broker
17 years experience with Residential, Agricultural, Commercial, and Investment properties
Kansas Association of Realtors member
National Association of Realtors member
Property, Casualty, Life, and Health Insurance Kansas License holder
18+ Years of Banking Experience
Jana L. Schartz / Realtor
18 years experience with Residential, Agricultural, Commercial, and Investment properties
Kansas Association of Realtors member
National Association of Realtors member
over 36 year experience successfully owning and operating local business
620-285-2951 (office)
620-804-0928 (cell)
Susan Tucker / Realtor
10 years experience with Departments at Stafford County Courthouse
Kansas Association of Realtors member
National Association of Realtors member
Holds RN Degree
620-285-2951 (office)
620-617-2647 (cell)
Clint Barger / Realtor
27 years experience operating cattle farming operation
Experience with Residential, Agricultural, Commercial, and Investment properties
Graduate of Kansas State University Agri-Business Degree
Kansas Association of Realtors member
National Association of Realtors member
620-285-2951 (office)
620-285-9046 (cell)
Tristen Starkey / Realtor
Organizational Leadership Student at Fort Hays State University
7 years experience with Residential, Agricultural, Commercial, and Investment properties
Kansas Association of Realtors, Member
National Association of Realtors, Member
Life time Resident of Pawnee County / Burdett-Rozel Area
Looking forward to helping you with all your Real Estate needs in the Pawnee County Area
620-285-2951 (office)
620-804-2601 (cell)
Lindsey Bradley / Realtor
7 years experience with Residential, Agricultural, Commercial, and Investment properties
Kansas Association of Realtors member
National Association of Realtors member
Native of Pawnee County
620-285-2951 (office)
785-580-5100 (cell)